9 thoughts on “Slow and Steady – By a Hare – Chapter Ten

  1. We’re almost at 35,000 words, still in the second act, and I *may* have to take a teeny tiny break. Just a small one. Well, we’ll have to see how things go, but trust me: this is definitely *good news.* Because the serial kept me writing for the past two months, I am ready to transition to a few projects, get ‘em started, and then hop back over the Rez and Kin. Seriously, there is no way that I can leave those two to deal with the pot that Pyx just stirred. 😉

    Feel free to leave comments (either encouragingly or ominously worded) and I’ll be sure to reply!

    Thanks for reading, everyone! I promise, I won’t leave you all hanging for very long!


    1. Thank you so much! I am excited about the other projects and hope they get off the ground quickly. Then I can return to Rez and Kin. I just *can’t* leave them with Pyx’s mess!


  2. Ahh, Pyx. Just as fun to read as Kin although they’re complete opposites.

    Good luck on your other projects! I look forward to when you are able to return to this story 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m really glad you’re able to get into the other projects u have going and thank u so much for what you’ve given us so far. Pyx is adorable and I can’t wait for notes more of Rez and Kin. Hope to see u back soon, good journey.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your support and I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed what I’ve written thus far. I hope I’m not gone too long from these characters! I just can’t shake these guys from my head even though I am starting other projects…


  4. This has been great fun to read. I hope you are able to get back to it soon. And, dare I hope that Pyx will get his own story at some point? (He reminds me just a bit of Therion).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading! I hope I can quickly return to the serial as well because these characters are not “waiting patiently” as nice and quietly as I would’ve liked. 🙂 As for Pyx, he does resemble Therion because the smartass is one of my favorite characters to write! Will Pyx get his own book? I’m not sure right now. I *am* enjoying him a bunch, so he may be able to convince me.


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